Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Counting the days, waiting for my rocket to come. 
I think I miss everything.

Quickly come back to me, Dear. 
I'm waiting.

U're the best I've ever had
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Saturday, July 07, 2012


It has been so long since the last time I wrote here. Not that I forgot the existence of this blog, really.

These two weeks have been good and bad at the same time. I was happy, excited, and joyful for a time and anxious, angry, and sad for another moment. Life is sure a roller coaster!!!!

Two of my colleagues resigned, mostly because of the same reason. They could not bear working in this environment anymore. I was sad, very very sad to lose them, but they would be leaving for good. I know there will be better life out there and I sincerely wish them all the best.

Now I am more redundant in the office, but I don't care of how she wants to beat me. I just do whatever thing I can do. Once I reach my limit, I will wave my hand and say good bye. I keep telling myself that I am a sun and I shine on my own.

July, now it is. Half a year have passed and I wish for better half of the remaining.

U're the best I've ever had
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