Saturday, June 14, 2008

Puzzling holiday

Ya, my post increased very slowly these days... It didn't mean I didn't know what to write or I had lost my appetite of writing... There were too much to write till I didn't know which one to write... Many ideas popped up in my mind all of a sudden and disappeared so suddenly, too, then I lost my way...

And these days, I was completely puzzled...

The result of unsuccessful room application was out on 5th June 2008, and I received the result... That meant I was an unsuccessful applicant... I sent an appeal letter to honorary general secretary of hall 6, hoping that I would be recommended because of my contribution as scrabble player... But... But... But... Again, my appeal letter was unsuccessful... I was so sad, and the announcement that I have to go out from my room by 15th July 2008 made me much sadder...
Oh my God, I'm puzzled now... I have to wait for the second round for getting the room and I can only pray and pray and pray...

Then, the result of GPA was out... At first, I was very shocked that my result was very bad... Wow... Wow... Wow... I started to feel depressed... And at another time, I realized that I made a wrong calculation... All of a sudden, I thanked God for His guidance to me along this semester... God is fabulous... Thank You, God...

And now, I am puzzled about my next semester time table... This is my first time arranging my time table... So, it is rather frustating... How many AUs to take??? What index to take??? etc, etc, etc...


U're the best I've ever had

1 thoughts:

green-butterfly said...

wew..salah itung nian e GPA nyo??
tu la terlalu panik, jadi salah itung..
bagusla tapi..