Tuesday, August 31, 2010


When you are waiting for your birthday whole-heartedly, but you know no one is going to say a happy birthday to you, the birthday is not a birthday anymore...

U're the best I've ever had
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Semester 7

Ampuni aku karena meninggalkan blog ini selama sebulan. Aku terlalu tenggelam dalam kehidupan nyataku dan melupakan dunia yang maya ini, maafkan aku.

Kini, kembali aku harus menjalani kehidupan seorang diri di negeri orang: tidur sendiri, bangun sendiri, mencuci sendiri, menyetrika sendiri, menyapu dan mengepel sendiri, makan sendiri, ini sendiri dan itu sendiri. Semua serba sendiri, tanpa orang tua yang selalu menjadi tangan ketiga di saat kedua tanganku tak mampu lagi melakukan pekerjaannya.

30 Agustus 2010, hari pertama dimulainya semester baru, semester tujuh. Aku bahagia bisa sampai di titik ini dan aku bersyukur untuk kesempatan yang diberikan kepadaku. Namun, dengan sifat manusiaku yang tak bisa puas, aku merasa liburanku belum cukup panjang. Liburanku kali ini benar-benar sangat berkesan dan aku tak akan pernah bisa merasa puas. Dimulai dengan perjalanan panjang berkeliling Jawa bersama keluargaku, diisi dengan canda tawa tak berkesudahan dengan sahabat-sahabat baikku, diwarnai dengan beraneka macam makanan yang tak bisa kutemukan di Singapore, dibumbui dengan cinta yang tak berkesudahan dari pacar dan keluargaku, aku menemukan surgaku.

Dan kini, kembali aku ke realita, duduk di depan layar komputerku, menanti detik demi detik berganti hingga aku harus memulai kelas pertamaku di semester ini. Dan kini, kembali aku ke realita di mana aku akan terus-terusan merindukan rumahku, papa mamaku, adikku, Lisa, Valen, Renni, Dya, dan segala hal yang berbau kota kelahiranku. Bagaimana pun bagusnya Singapore, hatiku tetap menomorsatukan Palembang, aku tak bohong.

Semester ini adalah saat bagiku untuk memulai mengerjakan skripsi. Ditambah 17 SKS yang sepertinya tak bisa dibilang ringan, aku harap Tuhan memberiku kekuatan ekstra untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik. Sebelumnya, aku harus mensukseskan Union Day and CEE Club AGM.

Semester 7, rock it!!!!!!!!!

U're the best I've ever had
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Now my tears are flowing down like a river. I can't block the sad feeling of letting my brother go out of this town for his future. Just several hours ago I sent him off to the airport. My mom accompanied him for a few days before heading back to Palembang.

And really, this house feels very different without him and my mom along. This house is so lonely that I'm gonna die. It's so quiet, so quiet.

Without my realization, my little brother has become a young man. I still can remember how we usually fought during our childhood: I ate the piece of cake that he wanted, he sat on the front seat in the car that I wanted, he grabbed my stuffs, etc, etc. I also still can remember how he used to cry over a very unimportant things, how he used to leave his school bag behind when he went to school, how he held the pencil for the first time, and how bad his teeth were.

It's just like a glance but actually it's almost twenty years.

He's going to university now. I am glad, really glad, for him but I am sure I will miss his presence in this house. And perhaps, this house will miss him, too.

For the remaining one month of my holiday, I will miss my one and only brother. I will have no one to sing along together in the car, I will lose my mate to go to the gym, I will have no one to compete using the bathroom first, I will have no one to message me during vihara time, I will have no one asking my mom to buy so many foods to stock at home, I will lose the one who picked me up when I was playing around with my friends, I will miss him for sure.

We share the past, but you and I will walk on the path of our future alone. I wish you a huge good luck. See you next month when you visit Singapore.

I love you to the infinity!!!

U're the best I've ever had
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