You look that photo...
I took that during Hall 6 Scrabble Team training session...
This is the closest board I have ever seen...
Really hard to play...
But I really fall in love with this game...
I fall in love again...
With scrabble...
Wow... Today I feel really really happy...
Maybe you are wondering why...
I tell you a...
Today, all Hall 6 Scrabble Team fought really really well...
We won all rounds today...
We won against Hall 16 by 5-0, Hall 2 by 4-1, Hall 4 by 5-0, Hall 14 by 5-0, and Hall 13 by 3-2...
Really amazed by this team...
I'm happy being part of them...
I can learn a lot from them...
I love the way they trained us...
I love the way we laughed at Herry's photos...
I love the way we cheered...
I love them...
I love Hall 6...
Tomorrow gonna b more challenging I think...
All Hall 6 Scrabble Team...
Keep fighting!!!!!!!!
Hall Siiiiiiixxxxx....
U're the best I've ever had