Sunday, January 11, 2009

The quotes

I like to move it move it
He likes to move it move it
She likes to move it move it
We like to MOVE IT!!!

I just finished watching 'Madagaskar Escape 2 Africa'. A bit late, I admit, but I don't care. This film is really entertaining. I love it.

Besides, I also quoted some words that I like.

"The good news is we will be landing shortly, but the bad news is this is a crash landing. Thank you for flying with Penguin Airlines."

"Others are white with black stripes, but you are black with white stripes. You are different."

"It's crazy that I have to round the world to find a perfect guy for me, although he's actually next door."

"As long as I'm with her and you two, I don't care where we are."

"I can look in to your eyes, and I know it's you."

And when I typed those quotes, I remembered one sentence that Master Ip Man said while his challenger judged him that he's afraid of his wife. Here's the quote:

"In this world, there's no husband that's afraid of his wife, while there's husband that RESPECT his wife."

Haha. So inspiring. For guys, do bear this in your mind and heart, you must respect your (future) wife. For girls, let's try to find a guy that can respect us wholeheartedly.

Whoaa, my post is going here and there without direction. From Madagaskar to Ip Man. From Africa to China. 

U're the best I've ever had

1 thoughts:

Herry -- HgS said...

"Others are white with black stripes, but you are black with white stripes. You are different."

I love this quote. Damn funny and really meaningful!