Friday, December 21, 2007

I fall in love again... With Scrabble...

You look that photo...
I took that during Hall 6 Scrabble Team training session...
This is the closest board I have ever seen...
Really hard to play...
But I really fall in love with this game...
I fall in love again...
With scrabble...

Wow... Today I feel really really happy...

Maybe you are wondering why...

I tell you a...
Today, all Hall 6 Scrabble Team fought really really well...
We won all rounds today...

We won against Hall 16 by 5-0, Hall 2 by 4-1, Hall 4 by 5-0, Hall 14 by 5-0, and Hall 13 by 3-2...

Really amazed by this team...
I'm happy being part of them...
I can learn a lot from them...
I love the way they trained us...
I love the way we laughed at Herry's photos...
I love the way we cheered...
I love them...
I love Hall 6...

Tomorrow gonna b more challenging I think...

All Hall 6 Scrabble Team...
Keep fighting!!!!!!!!

Hall Siiiiiiixxxxx....

U're the best I've ever had
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And I need more or less...

Baby, it's raining now and I tell you, Baby, I think of you all these time more than ever... Why, Baby, why does this thing happen to me? Can you explain it to me, Baby?

Oh, no, I think I lay too much on you...

Is it worthy, Baby?

And, you know, Baby, you know exactly... None of us is trying to make this foggy thing clear... Is the decision to 'let it flow' a good decision? Or we must reflect it and make a new move, to a new session of our long life and to a new happiness?

Are you happy with this thing, Baby?

I'm not happy enough, to be honest, Baby...

U're the best I've ever had
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

C u Palembang

Ga terasa, kalender hari ini udah menunjukkan angka 15...
Setengah bulan...

Besok aku udah balik lagi ke Singapore...

Kembali ke NTU...
Kembali ke Hall 6...

Kembali jauh dari mama papa...

Sebelum aku balik ke Singapore...
Aku mengadakan sedikit pengamatan terhadap kotaku tercinta...
Dan mendapatkan...

Ada beberapa perubahan...

Apa aja????

1. Bakal ada mall baru di Palembang... Namanya The Fame... Lokasinya di tempat yang dulunya YPAC...

2. (Katanya siih) Bakal ada hotel Ibis di Palembang... Sekarang lagi dibangun juga... Lokasinya di Simpang Sekip...

3. Di jalan-jalan banyak ditempel stiker yang tulisannya berobat n sekolah gratis... Tujuannya? Buat kampanye Pilkada...

4. Palembang tambah panas, coy... Padahal nih kan musim ujan...

Tapi, perubahan yang paling penting...

Bagi para penggemar Mi Aloy, selamat yaah...


U're the best I've ever had
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I don’t know

Why you keep running

When you know you are tired...

I don’t know

Why you keep talking

When you know noone listens to you...

I don’t know

Why you keep wishing

When you know nothing can make your wish come true...

I don’t know

Why you keep insisting in this relationship

When you know...

I know...

And everybody knows...


It’s useless to continue this silly thing...

I have my own world...

My own dream...

And my own life...

And so do you...

So, Darling...

Please stop running when you know you’re tired...

Stop talking when you know noone listens to you...

And stop wishing for our life together...

U’re the best I’ve ever had


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Tanpa judul deh

Malam yang sepi... Habis nonton Deal or No Deal Indonesia di kamar mama... Tiba-tiba kepigin ngeblog... Berhubung males mo online malem-malem, aku ngesave dulu aja di laptop... Biarin deh agak-agak ga uptodate, yang penting aku bisa ngeblog... Hehehe...

Tiba-tiba kepingin buat sesuatu yang agak romantis, tapi gatau mau bikin apa... Lagian, mo romantis-romantisan ama sapa...

Tapi, berhubung lagi kepingin, semuanya harus disalurkan donk... Akhirnya aku ngetik-ngetik tanpa arah n jadilah karya ga jelas ini... ^^

U’re the best I’ve ever had


This silent night makes u appear in my mind more than usual... Dunno why, but I guess, oh, not guess... I’m sure I think of u...

But, something I dunno is why I think of u... I really dunno why...

The distance between us, maybe, makes me think of u, and the distance between us, maybe, makes me miss u...

We came from two different worlds and I think, maybe, we cannot be a couple...

But, u told me, because we were different, we can be a cute couple... We can complement each other, maybe like tea and sugar or candle and match...

Was that sentence true?

I’m not sure...

We came from two really different worlds...

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Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy ^^

Desember 3rd 2007

And, Baby, can you see my happiness here, besides my lovely family in my lovely hometown?
I am really happy...
I am here now, besides my mom... We talked so much since we didn't meet for 4 months... I told her everything about my life far from her... Really really missed her that time...
I am here now, besides my dad... He smiled at me when he saw me at the airport... I knew he felt very proud of me and I really want to make him happy...
I also felt very happy talking to my bro again... Before I went abroad, he and I always had a fight everytime we met, but now, I feel closer to him and I feel I love him more...

And, I saw my grandma... She is sick now... She cried when she talked to me about her condition... I was very sad seeing her lying on the bad... I love her very much... Hope you will be better soon, Grandma...

I met my friends... I met my friends last saturday... They hugged me and I felt a very warm chemistry in my heart...
I love them very much, and I know they also love me... Vey happy having friends like you all...

And now, I'm already here for 4 days... Even without internet, I feel very happy...
I'm happy seeing my family...
I'm happy meeting my very best friends...
I'm happy entering my own bedroom and my own bathroom...
I'm happy eating my mom's very best cuisine...

I'm happy here...


U're the best I've ever had
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Sahabatku, I loph u...

Temen-temenku emang ga tergantikan...
Aku terharu banget mereka begitu exciting nunggu kepulangan aku...
Aku sampe ga tau mau ngomong makasih yang sebesar apa waktu mereka meluk-meluk aku...
Aku bener-bener bahagia punya temen kaya kalian...

Aku ngeliat banyak perubahan dalam diri temen-temen aku...
semuanya yang dulu masih keliatan kaya anak-anak, sekarang udah mancarin aura kedewasaan...
4 bulan ga ngeliat mereka bikin aku bener-bener kangen...

Kami saling tuker pengalaman selama 4 bulan ga ketemu...
Kami sadar dunia yang kami hadepin udah berubah...
Dunia yang kami hadapin sekarang udah lebih kompleks dan rumit...

Rasanya bener-bener kangen masa SMA...
Kangen masa-masa make seragam...
Bikin ribut di kelas sampe-sampe guru marah n keluar kelas...

Rasanya masa itu udah lama banget berlalu...

Dan sekarang...
Kami harus menghadapi yang namanya dunia kuliah...
Di mana orang-orang aneh akan semakin banyak...
Godaan juga semakin banyak...

Dan dalam waktu yang ga akan lama...
Kehidupan yang kami jalani akan semakin rumit...

Kemaren kami sempet ngayal...
Gimana jadinya kami beberapa belas tahun ke depan...

Mungkin akan ada yang udah gendong anak...
Ada yang lagi nyiapin pernikahan...
Ada yang sibuk dengan kariernya sendiri...

Dan mungkin...
Waktu untuk persahabatan akan semakin menipis...

Kami bener-bener berharap...
Kami bisa terus sahabatan...
Sampai ajal memisahkan kami...

Tak tergantikan...

U're the best I've ever had
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And Baby...

I remembered precisely, how we started getting closer to each other...
But, I didn't know why you left me alone...
And I didn't know...
Why you came again into my life and gave me much more memories than before...

You know what I mean, Baby?
You came into my life, made me fly for a while, then you went, as you were wind...
And now...
You came again...

You know what I feel, Baby?
I'm afraid...
Afraid that I will fall again...
Afraid that you will disappear again...

You are wind, Baby...

And, Baby, you know, sometimes I imagine that you are mine...

I'm always touched by your words...
Your smile...
The warmth of your hands...
Everything that you gave me...

And, Baby...
I think of a moment, when you give me all your love...
When you propose me, Baby...
In the middle of the rain, maybe...
Give me a cute ring...
A ring, that has no end, describing our love that has no end...
Give me some words that can make me melting and say 'yes. I will' in a moment...

Oh, Baby...
Will that time come?

Or you will disappear again?

I think I'm crazy now...
I even don't know whether I love you or not...

Now, Baby...
Can you help me?

Don't make me falling in love again...
If you just want to disappear...

I know you can help me, Baby...

U're the best I've ever had
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Karya-karya masa lalu

Setelah pulang ke rumah, buka-buka lemari en menemukan karya-karya selama SMA...
Daripada terabaikan, aku pilih beberapa buat dipost di blog ini...
Met menikmati...

Yang satu ini aku bikin waktu masih kelas 1 SMA... Waktu itu lagi hobi-hobinya bikin puisi... Ga ada angin, ga ada ujan, tiap hari pasti bikin... Tapi kualitasnya ga terjamin... Hehehe...

Lembayung senja...
Langit bertahta merah...
Sendu sedih terasa...
seolah mewakili segala rasa...

Pikirku keruh...
Hatiku gaduh...
Lelah sudah aku merindu...
Harapkan dirimu di sisiku...
Tanpa tahu apakah kau harapkan diriku...

Apalah arti rinduku...
Tanpa ada kamu...
Aku bosan, sungguh...

Tak lagi hanyut dalam khayalku...
Aku bangun dari mimpiku...
Jalani hari-hariku...
Walau tanpa dirimu...

Palembang, 26 NOvember 2004

Hati yang lukan merupakan ragedi cinta
Keikhlasan merupakan keagungan cinta

Relakanlah dirinya
Jika ia bukanlah untukmu

Cinta bukan untuk dikejar
Cinta bukan untuk dipaksakan
Juga bukan untuk memiliki

Begitu pun cintaku
Cintaku untuk melihatmu tertawa
Walau torehan di hati kian menganga

Palembang, 24 Maret 2005

Aku ingin menjadi bunga mawar
BUnga mawar yang selalu berkharisma
Yang selalu menarik perhatian dengan sejuta kemilaunya

Aku ingin menjadi bunga mawar
Yang dengan jujur menampakkan duri-durinya
Di tengah-tengah keanggunannya

Aku ingin menjadi bunga mawar
Yang selalu diterima dengan sejuta keanggunan dan sejuta durinya

Aku ingin menjadi bunga mawar
Di hatimu yang seindah taman kahyangan

Palembang, 9 April 2005

Cinta itu seperti ilalang
Di mana ada lahan memungkinkan
Ia akan tumbuh

Cinta itu kuat
Seperti ilalang
Hanya dengan siraman air hujan
Ia akan terus tumbuh dan meninggi

Saat patah hati
Kau akan merasa seperti ilalang
Yang dipangkas dari tempatnya tumbuh
Karena dianggap pengganggu

Palembang, 8 Mei 2005

Hampir saja
Namamu terukir dalam di hatiku

Hampir saja
Senyummu merasuk hingga sel-sel terkecil otakku

Hampir saja
Dirimu jadi bagian terpenting bagi diriku

Semua itu kini menjadi luka
Luka yang menoreh dalam dadaku
Aku berdarah
Luka itu berbekas
Jadi cacat dalam diriku
Seluruh jiwa dan ragaku perih
Ketika kau tak lagi bisa bersamaku

Palembang, 25 November 2005

Apakah kau tahu
Kini kelima jariku sedang bekerja sama
Mencoba merangkai kata cinta untukmu
Mencoba sampaikan isi hatiku

Apakah kau tahu
Kini otakku sedang berusaha
Memikirkan kata yang pantas
Untukmu, pujaan hatiku

Apakah kau tahu
Kini mataku sedang menjelajah
Mencari objek yang tepat
Untuk melukiskan rasaku

Tangan, otak, dan mataku tak dapat menemukan opa yang kucari
Aku tak mampu ungkapkan rinduku
Yang hampir meluap dari sudut bibirku

Tapi kini
Kurasa kau tak membutuhkannya lagi
Karena kata-kata ini
Adalah jua perjuanganku
Tuk sampaikan isi hatiku

Palembang, 26 November 2005

Although you have only two legs
In my eyes
You have two wings

Although you wear only torn dresses
In my eyes
You wear crown

Although you only give me smile
In my eyes
You give me a whole world

Although you only tell me a little about you
In my eyes
In my mind
In the deepest of my heart
I feel that I've owned your soul

The arrogance of this feeling
Makes me always adore you
Although I know
You're not mine

Palembang, 28 Februari 2006

Kalo puisi yang ini aku buat waktu bantuin temenku buat tugas bahasa indonesia... Tugasnya bikin puisi 10 biji dengen tema yang beda-beda... Aku buatin punya dia sepuluh-sepuluh nya.... Terus, aku bikin punya aku sendiri... Jadi aku bikin 20 deh akhirnya... Hehehe...

Mugkin aku bukan Einstein
Yang bisa menciptakan teori relativitas
Aku juga bukan Newton
Yang mampu merumuskan teori gravitasi
Aku pun bukan Galileo
Yang memprakarsai teori heliosentris
Sekali lagi
Aku bukanlah Doppler
Yang menemukan efek cahaya
Aku hanyalah aku
Manusia biasa yang sering melukaimu

Aku tak mengerti apa itu teori relativitas
Yang kumengerti
Kecantikanmu mutlak di mataku
Kau adalah yang tercantik di seluruh galaksi ini

Aku juga tak tahu tentang teori gravitasi
Yang kutahu
Gaya gravitasi hatiku dan hatimu tak terhingga
Karena cintaku sangat masif

Aku pun tak peduli dengan teori heliosentris
Yang kupedulikan
Pesonamu yang mengelilingi dirimu
Bagaikan Jupiter mengorbit matahari

Sekali lagi
Aku tak tahu tentang efek doppler
Aku tak tahu panjang gelombang cintaku
Entah panjang gelombang merah atau biru
Yang kutahu
Gelombang cintaku terus menggebu
Menguasai hai dan pikiranku
Membuatku mabuk akan auramu
Menjadikan aku pemujamu

Sungguh aku tak mampu
Aku tak mampu melupakanmu
Aku tak mampu tak melihatmu
Aku tak mampu meninggalkanmu
Walau sekejap waktu

Sejauh apa kau melangkah
Setinggi apa kau meniti anak tangga
Selebar apa kau merengkuh dunia
Tetaplah ingat pada bunda

Harta dan mahkota mendatangimu
Laut dan darat ada di tanganmu
Bahkan rotasi bumi bergantung kepadamu
Semua orang akan memujamu
Dan mengagungkanmu

Ketika tujuh lautan telah kau selami
Seluruh puncak tertinggi telah kau daki
Seluas bumi telah kau jelajahi
Dan tak satu pun kau dapati
Tak akan ada orang yang memujamu
Dan mengagungkanmu

Hanya bunda
Hanyalah bunda
Yang akan tetap tersenyum
Mengizinkanmu pulang ke haribaannya
Walau kau tak punya isi dunia

Entah kau punya harta
Atau kau hanya punya air mata
Bunda akan tetap tersenyum
Mengusap kepalamu
Dan berkata
"Kau yang terhebat, Anakku"
Bunda akan tetap tersenyum
Meletakkan kepalamu di pangkuannya
Dan ia akan bernyanyi hingga kau terlelap

Sejauh apa kau melangkah
Setinggi apa kau meniti anak tangga
Selebar apa kau merengkuh dunia
Tetaplah ingat pada bunda

U're the best I've ever had
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fabulous November^^

Dear Blog ku yang tercinta...

Dah hampir sebulan aku menelantarkan kamu...

Maaf ya...

Bukan maksud hati untuk melupakan dirimu karena aku sudah mendapatkan penggantimu...


Aku sibuk berkutat dengan exam selama sebulan ini...

14 November, Math n Econs...

Untungnya subject pertamaku berakhir dengan ga buruk...

Seengganya aku bisa ngejawab sebagian besar pertanyaan yang ada...


Econs bikin capee...

23 soal, Man...

19 November, Computing...

Yang ini sih, oke la...

Aku selesai setengah jam sebelum waktu habis, jadi masih punya waktu buat ngoreksi-ngoreksi n gambar-gambar di kertas soal... (haha, ga penting)

21 November, Physics II...

Ini yang benar-benar membuat aku takut selama sebulan terakhir...

Behubung aku ga expect terlalu banyak...

Jadi, aku okeh-okeh aja dengan semua yang udah aku kejakan...


Harusnya sih, pass...

23 November, Chemistry...

Walopun ngulang pelajaran SMA, pada wktu belajar, Chemistry ga semudah yang dibayangkan...

Bahannya terlalu banyak (pelajaran SMA 3 tahun dicompress jadi 1 semester) n waktuku mepet banget...

Aku terlalu fokus ke Physics sih, jadi Chemistry terabaikan...

Akhirnya, aku belajar mati-matian...

Untung aja selesai...

Dan hasilnya...

Not to bad la I think...

Exam core-ku telah berakhir...


Masih ada PE...


Udh bahannya geje, gurunya geje, akunya juga geje (ga pernah ngedengerin, lol)...

Ketar-ketir selama 5 hari...

Tapi, di tengah perasaan yang ketar-ketir itu...

Aku masih sempet jalan-jalan ke kota...

Ini salah satu fotonya...
Di Orchard...

Menghilangkan stress ang bertumpuk selama 4 bulan...


Yang bikin stress semakin hilang...

Terhitung mulai tanggal 28 November 2007 pukul 19.00...

I'm free...




Ga kerasa banget nih...

Akhirnya satu semester di universitas yang menyeramkan ini sudah terlewati...


Rasanya baru aja bingung mau bawa barang apa aja ke sini...

Baru aja naek pesawat rame-rame ama anak Palembang yang laen...

Baru aja ngeliat kamar 6-33-3-632 yang kondisinya 'agak' suram, terus beres-beres ampe capee...

Baru aja ketemu ama K Herry (usherku-makasih ya, k^^), si ini, si itu, ampe aku ga bisa inget atu-atu namanya...

Baru aja nyasar-nyasar sambil bolak-balik peta NTU...

Dan yang paling penting...

Baru aja aku hapal timetable ku...


Harus nyusun timetable lagi...


Waktu cepet banget berlalu...

Time is flying...

Serasa baru aja menginjakkan kaki di tempat ini...

Dan sekarang...

Dalam waktu kurang dari 12 jam...

Aku bakal sampe di Palembang lagi...



Palembang, I'm coming...

U're the best I've ever had


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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Video buatan Lisa

Lisa yang bikin nih video... Jadi sedih... Jadi inget masa-masa masih make seragam... Kangen seragam putih ijo neeh... Huhuhu...
Makasih yah, Lisa...
U're the best I've ever had...

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

I have met my mentor...

As I walked along the corridor ad tried to find the name tag "Chew Sing Ping", my heart beat (ya iyalah, kalo ga berdetak namanya mati...) I was wondering what we would talk inside. Then, at the end of the way, I found his name. I knocked the door and a voice told me to come in.

The first thing he asked me is "Who are you?"

"Febrina," I answered.

"Ok," he said, while typing on his keyboard, "Wait a minute a..."

Then, I waited for him, saw his office. Full of things... Especially books, and I imagined how come if all those books fell down and hit me...

"So, how are you?" he asked.
"And, where are you from?"
"Are you Indonesian scholar?"
"So, you are good, right? I don't expect any problem from you la... You are first year now, right? How's your study?"
"So far so good la..."
"Then, I'll give you my name card.If you have any problem, feel free to call me. But, I don't expect you get any academic problem. Maybe you have problem with your boyfriend... Quarreling for example... But, I also cannot help... Haha... I will take note that you have come and see me, because, you know, we have such a system... In fact I don't believe this system, force students to come... Ya, you just need to come when you have problem..."
"Haha... Oke, thank you, Sir..."
"Ok, bye..."

And that's all my meet-the-mentor-session...
Nothing important...

U're the best I've ever had
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The last post this month...

5 menit lagi waktu menunjukkan jam 12...

Sesaat lagi...
Hari Rabu berakhir...
Bulan Oktober berakhir...
Halloween berakhir...

Perjuanganku belum berakhir...

Masih ada 29 hari sebelum aku bisa menghirup kembali oksigen di Palembang...

29 hari...


Atau akan berlalu dengan cepat???

Let's see...

U're the best I've ever had

(Hanya mau membuat jumlah postingan di bulan Oktober jadi 25)
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Ada yang ga percaya dengan keajaiban sebuah persahabatan?

Dulu aku nyaris ga percaya...

Aku pernah ditinggal sahabatku...
Dibuang gitu aja...

Karena hal yang ga jelas...

Kami udah segitu deketnya...
Kemana-mana berdua...
Sampe dibilang sodara kembar ama guru-guru....

Sejak masuk SMA...
Semuanya berubah...

Entah atas dasar apa...
Dia ga pernah lagi nelpon aku...
Dia ga pernah lagi curhat sama aku...
Dia cuma senyum waktu ketemu di sekolah...

Waktu itu...
Rasanya sakit hati banget...

Ngeliat dia sama temen-temen barunya...
Bikin aku lebih sakit hati lagi...

Aku patah hati...

Aku ga berani lagi berharap sama persahabatan...
Aku pikir persahabatan itu hanya ada kalo kita deket sama orang itu...
Kalo si sahabat udah dalam radius yang di luar jangkauan kita...
Persahabatan pasti berakhir...

Konsep itu yang aku pegang hingga akhir SMA...
Aku dekat dengan beberapa orang...
Tapi aku ga yakin setelah jarak yang begitu jauh memisahkan...
Kami masih mampu menjaga hubungan...

Sedangkan aku dan ex-sahabatku yang hanya terpisah beberapa ruangan kelas aja ga bisa bertahan...

Aku pikir setelah aku dan temen-temenku pisah universitas...
Semuanya akan berakhir...
Sama seperti kisah lamaku dengannya...

Sekarang aku sadar...
Aku salah...

Benar-benar salah...

Aku ngerasa makin sayang sama temen-temenku setelah aku terpisah jauh dengan mereka...

Dulu aku ketemu hampir setiap hari sama mereka...
Sampe bosen... =P
Sekarang ga pernah ketemu...
Rasanya ada sesuatu yang kurang...

Ternyata bener...
Nilai seseorang baru terasa setelah dia ga di sisi kita...

Mungkin memang...
Sebagai kumpulan cewe-cewe...
Kami kurang memanfaatkan waktu kami 'as girls'...
Kami jarang jalan-jalan ke mall...
Kami jarang foto-foto kaya kumpulan cewe-cewe yang laen...
Kami ga pernah saaling ngecatin kuku ato ngelakuin hal girlie laennya...

Aku tetep rindu sahabat-sahabatku...
Rindu saat-saat kami maen kartu remi bareng...
Rindu saat-saat kami ngerumpi...
Rindu saat-saat makan bareng di kantin..
Rindu segalanya...

Aku bener-bener ngerti apa artinya persahabatan...

Persahabatan itu...
Sesuatu yang ga akan hilang walaupun terpisahkan jarak...
Sesuatu yang ga bakal pudar oleh waktu...
Sesuatu yang dimiliki aku dan kamu...
Aku cinta ama kalian...

U're the best I've ever had
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thanks for Everything

As I woke up today, I felt that my heart missed my friends very much... Remembering last night chatting with Lisa n Vivien made me really miss them... Hope I can go home soon n find them still waiting for me...

Now, I remember one message I left in Nugeneration_talk group (my lovely lovely Yahoo group) about one month ago... So, I post it here to make one more everlasting memory...

Appendix C

As time flows...
I am sure all of us will find our own businesses.. .
But, I hope we can spend a little of our time to check our inbox...
Read the messages...
Then reply...

I find a lot of pleasure in my heart when I read every message from you in my inbox...
Hope all of you also find the same thing dealing with this matter, friendship.. .

I really feel that I can not find any friends like you all...
You are really special...
Very very special...
That I can not imagine losing you all...

In this occasion...
I want to say thanks alot...
Thanks for everything you have given to me...

Thanks for the laugh...
The tears...
The screams...
The smile...
The anger...
All the good and bad things...

Really thanks...
Although we have had some problems...
I have no regret...

A very big thanks I wanna write everywhere.. .
Especially for the hearts you have given to me...
To Nugen...

I am very proud being a piece of your life...
I am very proud being a part of Nugen...
I am very proud having friends like you...

Speechless now...
Feel like crying...
Miss you so much (that I feel I wanna hug you all)
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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Am I ready?

Sabtu datang... Sekali lagi satu minggu terlewati... Sekali lagi hati ini terasa tak karuan... Exam tinggal 2 minggu lagi...

Dalam 2 minggu ini...
Masih banyak yang harus dilakukan...
1. Math quiz (Senin)
2. Chemistry quiz (Rabu)
3. Effective Comm assignment 3 (Rabu juga)
4. Physics quiz (Rabu depan)
5. Catch up buat Physics yang kembali terasa susah sejak lecturer berganti...
6. CommTech quiz (Jumat depan)

Wah, wah...
Apakah aku siap buat Exam????

U're the best I've ever had
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Love vs Friendship

One day, Love and Friendship met.

Love, proudly, said, "You know, all people in this world seek me. Without me, they cannot live. And you, you are useless. Without you, there is still me... People have their faith to have their beloved one. When they find their soul mates, you are nothing!!! Huahahahaha..."

"Ya, I know," said Friendship, "People can easily forget me if they find you."

"So," Love continued, "Why do you exist if I already exist? To be forgotten and hurt?"

Friendship just nodded. He said, "Friendship exists to put smile when love leaves tears."

So, Guys...
However love covers your life, heart, and soul, never forget this quote...

You still have friends by your side...
You will never walk alone...

U're the best I've ever had
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Time, can u bring me to 29th November??

New week has started. The time is still flowing. Now, I think about home more than I used to. I think about all I have left in Palembang. I hope I can sleep now and when I wake up, I see 29th of November... Really hope something like that can happen in my life...

It can not happen...

I still have to face Chemistry quiz, Speech Assignment, Math quiz, Physics quiz, and one more Computing quiz...

It hasn't finished...

I still have to fight on my final battle... The exam...


Is it better if it comes soon so I can go and see my beloved home or is it better if it comes later so that I have more time preparation????

I feel rather disappointed...
Why I can still waste my time...

For blogging, for example...

Coz, I love blogging...

U're the best I've ever had
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Cinta Langit kepada Bumi

It's raining outside...

Langit menunjukkan kecintaannya yang begitu besar kepada bumi...

Langit melepaskan kerinduannya...
Mengirimkan hujan...

Dengan berjuta cinta di dalamnya...

Ketika hujan tlah berhenti...
Apakah berarti langit tak cinta lagi pada bumi?

Tentunya tidak...
Langit hanya sedang memberi bumi waktu...
Untuk merindukannya...

Kalo langitmu ga memberi kamu 'hujan'...
Bukan berarti dia ngelupain kamu...


U're the best I've ever had
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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Apaan siih???

Opportunity cost...
Consumer surplus...
Producer surplus...
Total surplus...
Dead weight lost...
Positive externalities...
Negative externalities...
Private cost...
External cost...
Social cost...
Private value...
External value...
Social value...
Coase Theorem...
Profit maximizing point...
Marginal revenue...
Marginal cost...
Average total cost...
Fixed cost...
Variable cost...
Total cost...
Short run...
Long run...
Shut down...
Competitive firm...
Monopolistic competition...
Price discrimination...
Prisoners' dilemma...
Payoff matrix...
Dominant strategy...
Nash Equilibrium...
Gross domestic product...
Real GDP...
Nominal GDP...
Base year...
GDP deflator...
Basket of goods...
Consumer Price Index...
Substitution bias...
Introduction of a new good...
Unmeasured quality change...
Real interest rate...
Nominal interest rate...
Inflation rate...
Capital per worker...
Human capital per worker...
Natural resources...
Technological knowledge...
Population growth...
Adult population...
Labor force...
Not in the labor force...
Labor force participation rate...
Natural unemployment...
Cylical unemployment...
Frictional (short-term) unemployment...
Structural (long-term) unemployment...
Bond market...
Stock market...
Private saving...
Public saving...
National saving...
Budget surplus...
Budget deficit...
The market for loanable fund...
Interest rate...
Supply for loanable fund...
Demand for loanable fund...
Present value...
Future value...
Adverse selection...
Moral hazard...
Share price...
Index fund...
Managed fund...
Medium of exchange...
Unit of account...
Store of value..
Commodity money...
Fiat money...
The money supply...
Fractional reserve banking system...
Money multiplier...
The value of money...
Money demand...
Real variables...
Nominal variables...
The neutrality of money...
The velocity of money...
The fisher effect...
Shoeleather cost...
Menu cost...
Misallocation of resources from relative price variability...
Tax distortion...
Arbitrary redistribution of wealth...

Banyak banget yaah...
Cuape deeeh...


U're the best I've ever had
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Sepinya hidupku

Merasa sendiri...

Sendirikah aku di dunia ini?
Sendirikah aku menghadapi semua tantangan ini?

Aku tau aku tidak sendiri...

Mengapa aku merasa begitu sepi?

Tanpa ada tempat bersandar...
Tanpa ada orang untuk bercerita...

Aku benar-benar merasa tak memiliki siapa-siapa hari ini...
Hanya internet yang menemaniku seharian...
Tanpa memberiku kedekatan dengan orang-orang tersayang...

Detak jam masih jauh dari pukul dua belas...
Semoga hari ini cepat berlalu...

Dan kudapati diriku...

Bahagia lagi...

Semoga ada yang bisa mengembalikan senyumanku...
U're the best I've ever had
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A really super boring day

Hari Minggu...
Hari ini bener-bener membosankan...

Ga ada sesuatu yang bikin aku exciting hari ini...

Walopun besok ada econs quiz...
Aku tetep pengen cepet-cepet besok...

Kembali ke LKC...
Kembali kedinginan...

Daripada kaya gini...
Seharian ga tau mon ngapain...

Mama ga online seharian...

Lisa juga ga online...

Dya ga online...

Temen-temen tempat bercerita ga ada yang online hari ini...

Ga ada yang sms juga...

Semua sibuk dengan kegiatan masing-masing yaah???



Bener-bener pengen cepet-cepet nyelesein hari ini...
Minggu ini...

Mulai minggu yang baru besok...

Minggu yang (semoga) penuh keceriaan n kebahagiaan...

U're the best I've ever had
(Masih jam setengah delapan... Kapan senin????)
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Palembang, oh Palembang...

Beberapa hari ini aku memikirkan rumah lebih daripada biasanya...
Bener-bener ngerasa kangen akan apa yang ada di Palembang...

Kangen kamar n ranjang tercinta...
Kangen masakan mama...
Kangen acar bengkoang...
Kangen semuanya...

Di satu sisi...
Aku kepingin cepet-cepet exam...
Biar bisa cepet-cepet pulang...

Di sisi lain...
Aku takut banget...
Menjalani exam pertama...

Ingin menghirup udara Palembang secepatnya...

I'm coming...

satu setengah bulan lagi...

U're the best I've ever had
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Chronicle of NTU students

Nih ada yang lucu...
Dapet dari temen...

New school semester:
user posted image

At the first week:
user posted image

At the second week:
user posted image

Before the mid-term test:
user posted image

During the mid-term test:
user posted image

After the mid-term test:
user posted image

Before the final exam:
user posted image

Once know the final exam schedule:
user posted image

7 days before final exam:
user posted image

6 days before final exam:
user posted image

5 days before final exam:
user posted image

4 days before final exam:
user posted image

3 days before final exam:
user posted image

2 days before final exam:
user posted image

1 day before final exam:
user posted image

A night before final exam:
user posted image

1 hour before final exam:
user posted image

During the final exam:
user posted image

Once walk out from the exam hall:
user posted image

After the final exam, during the holiday:
user posted image

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

I don't regret...

Born as a girl... Is it good or not?

Since I was a little girl, I usually thought that being a boy was more interesting and challenging. Boys could do everything they wanna do. They could climb up trees, they could make some noises without being complained, and when they did mess, the adults just said, "No problem, they are just little boys. They must be active. No problem."

But, the adults always said, "Good girls don't do this... Good girls don't do that...". There's too many things good girls didn't do.

I always thought, why girls could not be as strong as boys. Why everyone treated girls as different type of beings? Girls were not allowed to do things boys can do. Why? Why couldn't girls climb up trees? Ya, I was not a type of girls that like to do such things, but I always assumed that the differentiation between girls and boys is just a way to make girls much weaker.

As I grown up, I still thought that being boys is better. Boys can try to reach their dreams till the very end while girls cannot. Why? You think that everyone can, right? Ya, that's right. But, can you imagine when girls are in the middle of two choices, their dreams or their hearts... As girls, I believe that we have desires to be the best, to be famous, to be rich, and to be everything we wanna be. But, I bet that we also have desires to build happy life with a good husband, some cute children, beautiful house, and a lot of smiles and laugh everyday. So, when girls are in the middle of these choices, they meet their biggest barrier.

So, to get one, girls must give up one thing.

Being girls is more stressful, right????

Whatever happens, I am very proud to be a girl in this world...

U're the best I've ever had
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Three Days Without Blogging

Tiga hari tanpa blogging...
Apa yang aku lakukan????

Senin pagi...
Aku menyadari kalo ada tanda-tanda aku bakal sakit...
Kepalaku pusing...
Ga kepengen bangun dari tempat tidur...

Dan yang paling menunjukkan aku bakal sakit...
Rumet bangun lebih dulu...

Baru pertama kali sejak aku menjadikan kamar ini rumahku...

Aku pikir itu karena aku kelaperan...

Setelah makan...
Tambah pusing...

Hari itu ujan...
Udah gitu...
Harus bolak-balik South-North...


Kelas sampe 18.30...
Badan nih udah terasa mo beku...
Udah seneng bisa pulang...

Ada scrabble training...

Dilanjutin ama social meeting...

Dengan sangat berat hati...
Aku meninggalkan ranjangku yang kusayang... (walopun dia ga empuk)

Baru balik lagi jam 11...
Segera tidur...

Sama aja...
Kepala masih pusing...
Tapi udah agak mendingan...

Pulang jam 17.30...
Pergi makan nasi lemak di Can 5...

Udah baekan...

Jangan-jangan gara-gara nasi lemak nih...

Makasih ya...^^

Pagi sampe siang kuhabiskan di sekolah...

The time for Mid Autumn Festival...

Ngidupin lilin...
Masang-masang lantern...
Motong-motong mooncake... (sambil makan juga siih... Upps, kelepasan...)

Yang paling melelahkan...

Jam 1.30 pagi baru tidur...

Sekarang ngantuk abis...

Gimana ne...
Baru aja ga jadi sakit...
Udah terancam sakit lagi...


U're the best I've ever had
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Berbicara tentang adi dan tidak adil...
Sulit banget...

Aku percaya kalo Tuhan itu adil...
Tuhan punya maksud tersendiri di balik rencanaNya buat kita...

Kadang-kadang aku juga mikir...
Kalo Tuhan itu adil, kenapa banyak ketidakadilan di dunia ini???

Banyak yang kelaperan...
Ga punya rumah...
Ga punya duit...

Sementara yang laen buang-buang makanan...
Buang-buang duit untuk hal yang ga penting...

Gimana fenomena kaya gitu bisa dibilang adil???

Ada yang udah usaha mati-matian, tapi hasil yang dia dapet ga pernah memuaskan...
Sementara orang lain...
Kerjaannya ga jauh-jauh dari nyantai-nyantai...
Tapi bisa dapet hasil yang bener-bener waaah...

Itu namanya adil?????

Can someone explain it to me????

U're the best I've ever had
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Sunday, October 07, 2007

A true friend

A true friend will always beside you, even when you have no legs to walk...

No eyes to see...

No ears to listen...

No voice to talk...

And no heart to beat...

A true friend will be your legs...
Your eyes...
Your ears...
Your mouth...
Your heart...

Your now...
Your future...

Your everything...

A true friend will never complain about your weaknesses...

A true friend will always appreciate your way...

A true friend...
Is everlasting...

Can I be your legs?

U're the best I've ever had
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

U're the best I've ever had
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Thursday, October 04, 2007

A wasting-time-day... Againnnnn?????

One day passed again with my very disappointed feeling...


I wasted too much time today...

I didn't attend computing lecture due to tuition grant signing, and I have to attend tomorrow class...
It wasted my time 1 hour...

I went hall at two thirty and I planned to take a bath as soon as possible... So, I could start studying...
I could not make it...
Browsing till four thirty and taking a a bath till five...

My time was wasted 2 1/2 hours...

It didn't stop there...
I was willing to do my next week tutorials today...

It failed...

I got a very big desire to update this blog today...
This is my fourth post since today...
Four posts...
A day...

Seems I'm gonna be crazy...

I phoned my mom for almost two hours...

I really miss her and all of my family...
So, I could not stop talking...

I'm very happy could make a call with her...

My time lost...


I am sleepy...

I was reading my computing textbook just before I started blogging...
And i have repeated the same paragraph for several times without understanding the content...

Read this part and forgot that part...

My goodness...

My time...

How much time was lost today????
1 hour for computing lecture
2,5 hours for being lazy
2 hours for having a call with mommy
1 hour for blogging
1 hour for other reasons

If we sum those up, we will find my time lost was 7,5 hours...

I just did half of my math tutorial, half of my chemistry tutorial,and my econs tutorial...

How bout the other????
See tomorrow loh...

I just need to sleep now...
Hope tomorrow will not be another wasting-time-day...

U're the best I've ever had
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Tes IQ?????

Secara ga sengaja...
Ikut-ikut tes IQ di internet...

Wasting time sih...
Tapi lumayanlah buat refreshing...

Ini hasil tes IQ-ku...

Mo diabadikan di blog ini...
Buat kenang-kenangan...


U're the best I've ever had

Appendix B (Appendix A-nya di post-post sebelumnya)

Congratulations, Febrina!
Your IQ score is 129

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
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Time and Fear

Time's flowing...
Is that true? No lah... Time is flying... Flying so fast... So that we -maybe just me- have not enough time to breath...

Feel like I just came here...
Met my ushers...
Went to SSC for the briefing, ISC for submitting some documents, North Spine to open a bank account, South Spine to get medical check up... Then I went to North Spine again, did my EP test...

I remember that time very well...
Everyday, there were so many new people to know...
Oh my God...
Even I can not remember all their names...

The school started...
I think it has just started...

But now...
I realize...
We have reached the mid of the semester...

Recess's over...
One part of this semester was over...

We have to face another part...


Not more than two months...
All of us will struggle with books and notes...

No more blogging for some terms maybe...
Just mugging and mugging...

In fact, I feel really scared with this topic... I can not describe how scared I am... I just can say, "I'm really scared..."
I don't want to think of it all the time, but my brain always visualized this thing...
I spend almost my time to think about my fear...

My fear...
I'm scared I can not pass...
I'm scared I can not get good result...
I'm scared my parents will be dissapointed with me...

I can not change my perfectionist thought...

Is it good to be perfectionist at this such of time?
Or it will be better if I just aim for the standard result???

Dunno what to do now...

It's all about fear...

U're the best I've ever had

(Am I too melancholic???)
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