Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yesterday blue, today colorful...

Yesterday I felt so lost... I don't know why, but I was really very depressed... I felt that I couldn't catch up with others... I felt that I couldn't stand against this storm anymore... I felt that I was a loser...

I even thought of the probability to stop educating myself, go back to my home, and hug my mom till the end of time...

Yeah, I don't know why, but I have a very-easy-to-be-depressed heart... I am very weak... I always go through my problems too deeply and too seriously... And the result, I am depressed... Muahahahaha... So stupid I am...

Last night, I was so blue...

But this morning, I felt like there's a silver lining in me...
Yeah, when I heard my alarm sound, I got my spirit automatically...

I decided to continue fighting...
No one can defeat me...
Because I am stronger than you think...

Keep the spirit high!!!!!

U're the best I've ever had

5 thoughts:

DELLI said...

ya fen...
ure stronger than everyone think cuz ure my telur ceplokk wkwk...

~'FeN'~ said...

Jelek banget telor ceplok...

Yang bagusan napa????

Herry -- HgS said...

You are my telor mata sapi. Lebih bagus nda fen? :p

~'FeN'~ said...

Wah, jangan nge-junk...

DELLI said...

iya... apalagi ngikut2...
ga kreatip wkwk