Friday, August 14, 2009

Blog Award

Weekend's coming!!! After a shocking day yesterday, I really got no mood to do anything, except blogging. Soooo many things have come up in my mind since this morning I opened my eyes, but I have no idea how to write all of them. It looks like all of them were just fighting against each other to go out from my brain and boom, the channel was just clogged.

So, now, since I don't know what to write, I will just do the 'homework' that another blogger has given to me. Yupppp, thanks to Arina Ariyani, the one who generously tagged me in her blog and gave me this award. Yeah!!!

Okay, here we go!

Below the tasks that I should done !

1. Put these awards into your blog

Yeah, I've put them, and see, they are sweet, right??? ;)

2. Tag 5 (properly 10) friends
These are people I decided to tag:
  1. Silasirini Lisa Wen : She is my best friend!!! And sure, GIRL POWER exists inside her soul. I am very proud of you, Dear!!! :)
  2. Valencia Christanto : Another best friend, yeah!!! A future architect, yes, she is. And you know, we are friends since our first year in elementary school. ^^
  3. Berlina Winata : My senior in NTU Civil and Environmental Engineering. Same with me, she likes writing, and really, I like her writing style very much!!!
  4. Gibran Limi Jaya : Another friend from NTU. He's upgrading his degree now, and some years later, when I meet him, I must call him The Master. Lol.
  5. Vindy : She is sure a cute CEE-mate, and I just knew one or two semesters before that she actually had a blog. But, she seldom update it. Hey, I tag you so that you have something to write!!! ;P
  6. Jesica Glenny : She is my friend since elementary school, a future fashion designer, and her blog is really entertaining. I never stop laughing while reading her blog.
  7. Ratna Puspita Hapsari : Another blogger and I met her in junior high school when we were taking tata boga as extracurriculer activity. So, when will we make pizza again? ;)
  8. Herry Gunadi Sudibya : He's the one who dragged me to the blogword and I really enjoy it now. Thanks a bunch, Ko!
  9. Jessica Chandra : A little friend. I knew her from friendster, and she happened to 'know' my brother, also. A newbie in blogworld, so I tag her to give her some inspirations to write. Lol.
  10. Dharma Delli Hakim : My forever friend, the best I've ever had. Such a long time with no post, Bro!!! I am waiting to read the latest news of yours. =]

3. jawab pertanyaannya!
Actually, I wonder why this question suddenly turned into Indonesian. Maybe some bloggers modified this award. Haha, whatever, I'll just do it.
Since the questions is in Indonesian, I will also answer it in Indonesian. No objection, right? So, let's do it!!!

*Five things found in my bag : strepsils, tissue, wallet, coin pouch, red jacket

* Five things found in my purse : money, identity cards, ATM cards, debit cards, photo

* Five favourite things in my room : lenovo winnie the pooh series, kulkas, treasure box, toples beruang, handphone (bingungggg, soalnya ngga demen sama kamar ini tralalala)

* Five things always wanted to do : belajar main piano atau biola, parasailing, keliling dunia, maraton baca novel, menulis novel

* Five things I currently into : telpon mama, chatting2, plurking2, kuliah, bersyukur atas hidup

* The person who inspired you now is : MAMA!!!

* Punya hand phone ? Yeap

* Merk / tipe handphone ? Nokia E65 Red yg suka ngehang dan bikin keki

* Warna/thema apa yg dipakai sekarang ? Yoyo Cici

* Wall paper ? tak ada

* Warna casing ? merah tralala

* Aplikasi/folder yg pertama kali kelihatan begitu tekan tombol menu ? main, connect, tools, office, media, installation, help, singtel menu, web

* Bahasa yg digunakan di Hp ? English donk

* Kapasitas baterai saat ini ? penuh, secara baru ngecas tadi pagi

* Pakai slot memori / jenis ? err, gatau

* Total kapasitas slot memori ? makin ga tau lagi, 256 kali

* Choice ; banyak terisi utk apa memorinya ? lagu2 yg ga pernah didengerin

* Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth ? yap

* Nama Bluetooth kamu saat ini ? ~Da'FaBuLouZzz^^~

* Aplikasi yg sering kamu gunakan ? pertanyaannya makin geje nih, gatau. pake hape cuma buat sms sama telpon

* Sisa pulsamu saat ini ? ga pake pulsa, coy

* Provider seluler yg kamu pakai ? Singtel

* Nomer Hp ? 82230***

Yeah, finish!!!^^

U're the best I've ever had

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