Sunday, May 04, 2008

Let's cheer up together...

I wonder why these days most of my friends look so 'lesu'???? Yap, yap... Most of them look like having no more passion and strength to stand against this world anymore... It looks like they are tired about this life and want to run away...

Looking at them, I remember about myself... This semester, I also feel like I have no more passion, and smile, and laugh, and anything to stand on my own feet and continue my life... I even think of worse things... Ya, they sure make me remember about myself...

I have too much problems, so that I have no smile and more tears this semester... And, I wonder, do they have lot of problems, too?????

Delli... In the last one or two weeks, he looks like having a very huge burden on his shoulder... He used to laugh and make jokes, but these days, he was being more silent... Sometimes I caught him wandering in his own thought... I don't know what is wrong with him...

Henny... My roomie also likes to be caught deep in her own land... She could be much more silent at one time and being cheerful at another time... Is she trying to keep her bad feeling alone? I don't know...

Denny... Since yesterday, he was being so silent... When all of us were laughing, he just smiled... And when we had dinner together, he just ate in silence... Ya, ya, ya, it's something with him, I think... Although he doesn't want us to know...

Jefry... About Jefry, it's just happened today,this evening for precision... He turned up so silent and he said he had lot of things to think about, so that he was more like that...

Phew... I don't know why... Maybe it is a syndrome that caught us one by one???? Or the syndrome came from me??? Phew...

Maybe all of us think that it's no more exam now, so what else should be taken to stress??? But, I caught the phenomenon just after the exam... Ya, you know, there are more things to be thought about...

For all of my friends, let's cheer up together... We have a lot of friends to cheerish us... You don't need to worry about it alone because your friends are here to share with you... I haven't reached the state where I can be a cheerful girl again, but I'm trying to... So, let's attempt it together!!!

Keep fighting!!!!
Jia you!!!

U're the best I've ever had

10 thoughts:

Unknown said...

ga ada exam lagi seh..
jadi semuanya pada lesu..

green-butterfly said...

denny sinting..
gawenyo mugging trs si..haha..
aku amper nangis baco post-an kau..hix..hix..

~'FeN'~ said...

@ Denny : Dasar mugger!!!!

@ Henny : Ngapo na nangis??? Jangan nangis, ge banjir...

Ayo, smangat2...
Be cherrful together!!!

Unknown said...

yang ngepost b dak nangis hen..

Valen said...

weq.. napo musim lesu y d ntu? napo galo?
bukannyo selese exam harusnyo hura-hura..?? wkwkwk..

~'FeN'~ said...

@ Len : Makonyo, len... Aneh kan... Aku lesu sejak sebelum exam, sampe sekarang masih lesu... Hahahaha... Kau semangat yo, la nak ujian kan...^^

DELLI said...

wakaka... kok aku yg pertama sih... kayak pelopor dunia lesu wae...
thx yo dah perhatike aku ampe tibo2 lesu be ketauan...
emang dulu aku hobi buat ketawo ye? bukannyo aku ketawo dewe? ^^

~'FeN'~ said...

@ Delli : Dulu kan aku lesu2 dewean, terus kau tb2 lesu... Then semuanyo melok lesu... Hihi... Makonyo, smangat!!! Kau jarang ketawo lagi, wong laen jg da ketawo laju... Hehe...

DELLI said...

nah... gara2 itulah aku jadi lesu, ngikut2 uy... kan dak enak lesu dewean.. minimal ber2 lah jadi dak sepi2 nn di dunia yg sepi hoho...
eh trnyata anak palzz ini sehati galo udah, jadi ikut2 jg ckck... dak kreatip...
ganbatte ne febrina-san ^^

~'FeN'~ said...

@ dellicious : Ganbatte ne Delli-kun...^^