Friday, April 30, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/30/2010 12:28:00 PM
But, the fact is, I am trapped nowhere but this office. *sigh*
Friday comes and goes, but the Friday mood never changes for months. I always have no mood to do anything on Friday, simply because it's a Friday, a day when I start to feel the excitement of the weekend. Of course, today's laziness strikes me like usual Friday's laziness, and I haven't done anything from the first time I stepped into this office this morning. No one gave me any job and I didn't bother to ask for one. *naughty, huh? XD*
I have been so busy these days. Those Senior Engineers kept asking me to help them and sure, I was very delighted to be given the trusts. But the thing is my report is tangling me. It is really a burden, I must say. I know I should have started to work on it, but I was too busy to cope on the works, log book, report, facebook, and blog. And I was too lazy to open the document either after work or on the weekend.
And everytime I tried to compose the words for the report, I felt so depressed to imagine the response of my supervisor and suddenly I felt so small and unprofessional and stupid. Everytime I typed the a-z characters, I felt like surrendering and recomposing the whole report. Even now when I am typing about my report, I feel so depressed.
Then, is there a bright future for my report?
I don't know.
But anyway, tomorrow is another weekend!
Time flies so fast, I would have finished my internship in six week time. I am looking forward to the last day of my internship. I think the sadness will strike somehow. XD
U're the best I've ever had

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/29/2010 02:11:00 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/28/2010 02:43:00 PM
My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name, Susie. I was fourteen years old when I was murdered on December 6th, 1973. I wasn't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world.
A quote from Susie Salmon, said at the beginning and the ending of the movie: The Lovely Bones.
Thanks a bunch is sent to Huili for strongly encouraged me to watch this movie. "You will like it," that's how she persuaded me, and she was right, I like it. No, I love it!
Susie Salmon was just an ordinary girl. She was just a girl in early puberty. She wasn't a billionaire's daugther or something that people was very eager to chase against her. She had no big secret that drove people to kill her. She was just ordinary very ordinary.
She was raped and killed on her way back home by her neighbour, Mr. Harvey. She, then, was trapped inside a blue horizon between earth and heaven and watched every single things that happened after she had left. She saw her family becoming so fragile after her death. She saw her first love thinking about her. She saw her murderer being free to move on. She saw everything.
And after I watched this movie, I started to think, what would happen if I was murdered now?
Would my family let me go or they would trapped inside the greave for years?
Would my bf move on and find a new gf or would he hold the teary eyes for long?
Would my friends keep me in their hearts forever or would they just find my replacement?
Would they, who hate me, forgive all my faults or would they just laugh at me?
Would my murderer be happy or would he feel guilty?
Would I enter the heaven or would I trapped in the middle of nowhere?
And, I keep wondering, what would be the biggest regret if I died now?
Yeah, I don't know the answer, totally don't know. But, to be honest, I am afraid of death, especially those kind of tragic death. And I am praying to God, if You want me to die, please let me die in peace. I don't want to die in a car accident or being raped and murdered, being eaten by animals, being shot by revolvers, or whatever. If my time has come, please, please, please, let me die peacefully.
Anyway, I hasn't felt ready to die. I am just wondering.
Talking about movie, some movie that I really want to watch the most in near time:
1. Ip Man 2
2. Toy Story 3
3. Shrek Forever After
U're the best I've ever had
Friday, April 23, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~, sisipuitis at 4/23/2010 09:24:00 PM
U're the best I've ever had
Kecil-Kecil Cabe Rawit
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/23/2010 04:31:00 PM
And this proverb really implies to Singapore!!!
Being a too-small-even-you-cannot-find-it-on-the-map country, Singapore, so far, has shown its teeth to the world. Even before its independence in 1965, Singapore has become one of the richest countries in Asia due to its strategic location. After the independence day on August 9th 1965, Singapore has been growing and it never stops.
Singapore has become one of the most attractive countries now. So many students want to continue studying here, so many people want to come for vacation here, so many foreigners want to find a living here. So many people want to be the witness of more and more developments of this country.
And this little red dote has a very amazing project of Marina Bay!!!
Have you seen it? If your answer is not yet, I suggest you to scroll up your mouse and click the triangle button.
Marina Bay is the reclaimed land area in Singapore since 1970s. And the area hes been planned to be the extension of central business district (CBD) at Raffles Place. And later, you can find the georgeous mix of housings, offices, recreational area, and nature.
And, of course, I'm more interested to talk about the recreational part :)
The Esplanade
A theatre. With a durian shaped design, the construction of Esplanade was finished in 2002 and it became the icon of this little red dot. The facility inside the Esplanade includes teathre, concert hall, recital studio, library, exhibition space, and open space.
Merlion Park
A park. It is located in front of Fullerton Hotel and there is the Singapore iconic Merlion, half mermaid and half lion. The construction was finished in April 2002 and of course, this place became a great tourist attraction all of a sudden.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
For You
Labels: cintabuatmereka at 4/22/2010 05:08:00 PM
Maybe you feel a big regret clogged in your throat. Maybe you think God is not fair to you. Maybe you think this world is standing against you. But, God is actually tempering you, strengthen your bones, flesh, and blood so you will be able to face the world at the very time. You are going to be as strong as the trees, you are going to fly as high as the birds, you are going to shine as bright as the sun because you are going through the training God has set for you.
Don't worry about the past. I know it gave you some scar, but sure you can do something about it. You still have time and you still have strength to do anything you want to do to fix it. Remember you have fixed my life one time? If you can do it to mine, sure this time you can do it better for your own. And of course, I'll be doing anything to encourage you.
Now, you need to look forward. Don't be afraid of what you are going to see. You must walk, run, jump, or even swim to reach the finish line over there. Maybe you will struggle, but every time you are feeling like giving up, think about your way back: how long you have walked, what barriers you have passed through, and who you will disappoint if you choose to stop. I tell you, always walk until you cannot walk anymore, God will take you in His shoulder.
Put your faith to His hand and you will feel His blessing inside you. Give your eraser to Him while you are writing your life, He will help you erase the obstacles.
Remember the phrases we like the most, "The champion is not the one who is leading at the beginning; The real champion is the one smiling at the end."
Hold this words tightly and we will be smiling at the end, together, forever.
U're the best I've ever had
Mesin Waktu
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/22/2010 06:35:00 AM
Saya sungguh rindu masa-masa berseragam itu sampai-sampai mimpi akhirnya mengajak saya ke sana, mengunjungi lagi sekolah dan teman-teman saya. Walaupun tubuh saya tak ikut berkelana, tapi sungguh, kerinduan ini adalah nyata. Saya ingin kembali ke masa putih abu-abu yang hangat, duduk di kelas yang tak ber-AC, menatapi papan tulis yang dicoreti kapur, dan berjejalan di kantin hanya untuk sedikit makanan pengganjal perut.
Saya ingin kembali muda.
Forever young, I want to be forever young.
Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever?
U're the best I've ever had
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earth Day, Let's celebrate!!!
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/20/2010 12:24:00 PM
40 years since the first time they called the day EARTH DAY and the event still cannot get too much attention. So many people are still very blurr and ask, "What the heck Earth Day is?" or "Is it a public holiday? Can I get a day off from work?"
The objective of founding the Earth Day was to increase the awareness and inspire the appreciation for the earth's environment. Senator Gaylord Nelson from USA was the one who initiated this event and until now, this day is celebrated by so many countries around the world.
And this year, do they have any special celebration?
I don't know.
Yeah, I really don't know. I just know that some people concern very much about the climate changes, decreasing population of polar bears, polution, and water crisis; while the other just don't care, don't know, or don't want to know and care.
I surely agree with those who always shout campaigns to promote more awareness to the environment. I don't want my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, or whatever to feel worse conditions. I am already very fed up with the unpredictable weather. It can rain in an instant and turns to be very hot a second after. I am already very tired of inhaling those carbon monoxide from vehicle emission, I am already very stressed for imagining the world will reach its very limit soon. I want to see this world getting old and I want to get old with it. I love it.
I want to be more environmental friendly. I want to save the earth. I want to protect my beloved land. I want to contribute more to my world.
U're the best I've ever had
Monday, April 19, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/19/2010 05:11:00 PM
Seperti hanya sedetik memejamkan mata
Aku berubah
Entah inginku atau bukan
Aku melangkah
Dan untuk kembali
Aku butuh lebih dari setahun cahaya
Manusia itu egois, ingin menang sendiri, selalu merasa benar, tak pernah mampu melihat dari mata orang lain. Begitu pula aku yang hina ini.
Mengalah itu adalah hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan dengan ikhlas. Aku selalu berusaha mengalah, tapi selalu ada pamrih yang aku harapkan. Aku ingin nantinya orang lain yang mengalah untukku. Aku ingin jadi raja sekali-kali. Aku tak tahu apakah mereka juga mengalami hal yang sama, tapi aku merasa palsu. Untuk apa aku mengalah jika aku hanya menghindar, sementara hati kecilku masih merasa tak puas? Aku sungguh palsu. Jubah. Topeng.
Lagi-lagi perasaan itu datang. Lagi-lagi aku marah. Adakah yang mengerti apa yang aku rasakan waktu itu? Bukan hidupku, memang, tapi aku ingin yang terbaik untuk dirinya. Aku takut bertindak. Semua bagai buah simalakama. Bagai terjerat dalam jaring laba-laba. Cepat atau lambat aku akan ditelan bulat-bulat dan dicerna.
U're the best I've ever had
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thanks Friday
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/16/2010 05:51:00 PM
Rain means water puddle. Rain means gloom. Rain means money loss to those ice cream seller. Rain means traffic jam. Rain means slower movements. Rain means mood swing.
Yesterday when I was passing through the rain to reach Lavender, I was really sure that I hated it. My shoes, my bags, even myself got wet. And suddenly, I thought, if I was in Palembang, I wouldn't need to get worried about the rain. I could just sit in the car and reach the destination without any raindrops falling on my head. And suddenly, I missed my home so much.
I really think that I should try to be more thankful. I seldom feel satisfied with everything I have had. I always want more and more and I never get enough. Is it a strength or weakness? I don't know.
I never looked at the happiness he sent me, but I always protested against the things I didn't like about his treat to me. I am really selfish.
I need to learn to see the very small thing he always does to me and say a sincere thanks.
Heaven knows.
4.45 pm
And after she got back to her office, I checked my mail box and found this e-mail from Prof. Lim:
He is soooo sweet. So caring. And I love him!!!!
Love you both!!!! <3 <3 <3
5.46 pm
:) :) :)
I am delighted
I was having a very good time with bf today, although we just did nothing in Jurong Point. We talked, we laughed, we had fun. The feeling that I didn't feel recently came back eventually. I am happy. :)
But, the censor for toilet, pantry, and laundry were spoiled AGAIN. I had to rush to the 4th level for having my shower, and guess, the water heater didn't work well!!!
U're the best I've ever had
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
14042010: Catatan Lain
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/14/2010 06:12:00 AM
Maukah kau berjalan bersamaku?
Aku perlu rambu-rambu
U're the best I've ever had
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sail and never fail...
Labels: curahancurahan~~, sisipuitis at 4/13/2010 11:30:00 AM
Are really still not enough
There's more things to share
For us to stay tall and tough
We are young, we are free
But we're gonna get out from this spree
Some time later you will sail
To the coast you intend to reach
You can choose head or tail
None can direct your to one beach
People care for you and will always do
'Though you think they always corner you
They just care, they just want to shout
For you to be the strongest one
'Coz you are the creator of your boat
Not me, not them, not anyone
Work on your boat and reach your beach
From pieces of wood and nail
Make it strong and make it glitz
Glide on it and land on your isle
Give it your best shot
And God will grant you the brightest sun in the world
If you think I poke my nose too much to your life, I will just shut my mouth. I hope you can avoid being tangled inside your own problems. Take care!
U're the best I've ever had
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday Morning
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/12/2010 06:54:00 AM
6.48 AM
Waiting for the sun goes up before going out
And it's week #14!!!
Oh, Man!!!
My report is due in week #20.
I must catch up on this.
To do lists:
#1 Write the latest entry for my log book
#2 Read materials for my report
#3 Start to struggle on report
#4 Do the office works as well as possible
I wish the final year projects list will be out soon. I'm dying to choose and be chosen.
Eight more weeks before Changi Airport. :D
U're the best I've ever had
Sunday, April 11, 2010
For those
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/11/2010 10:02:00 AM
We were in the pantry. I was cutting fruits. He was watching me. Then he told me one of his colleagues was granted for SIA interview. He would probably become a pilot.
"Having a big salary, but his schedule must be very packed. How can he enjoy his life?" bf asked, "Only his wife and children can."
"He can, of course," I replied, "But not with his family. He will enjoy flying around the world and keep visiting great places."
"Then he can enjoy his big salary with the stewardesses," bf suggested.
I didn't know what we were talking till I asked, "Why must the stewardess pretty and tall?"
And this is what I want to write here.
I don't know why, but I realize that most of the good things are just for those who have ideal physical appearance. Being stewardess is one of the example. I am sure there are so many people out there who dream to be a stewardess, but they are just too short, too fat, or they have some scars due to childhood naughtiness.
And then my mind flew to another thing. This questions usually popped up in my mind when I was walking and seeing my surrounding.
Why is fashion created only for those with ideal body?
Yeah, why? I mean, you can see, all the catwalk models are in the very best shape. And the outfits are created for people like them to wear, not for those with excess fat here and there. And when you walk around stores, you will hardly find trendy outfit for XXXL or even XXXXXXXXXL size.
Don't fat people deserve the right to look pretty?
I am sure they feel like wearing those pretty and cute outfits also, but most of the time, they can only wear T-shirts and jeans.
I feel very sad for that condition. Those designers draw for the most ideal body in this world. Even if the manufacturer produced the bigger size, they would look awful in it.
Why don't they start to really draw and design for fat people, so that they will still look pretty even if they have tons of fat?
If I were a fashion designer, ...
Ok, I know, I am not.
U're the best I've ever had
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Civil Engineering, my main dish :)
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/10/2010 08:59:00 PM
My mom wanted me to master Chinese by studying in this tiny little dot. I did take the introductory subject, but guess, I didn't dare to take the next level just because I was afraid my GPA would decrease. Yes, I didn't really like it but mastering one more language was nothing to lose, right?
During my second year, I planned to pursue a minor in Communication Studies. I took the first subject of the module, but the grade I got really ruined my GPA, so I just gave it up. I was so coward, wasn't I?
Then after giving up the communication studies which I enjoyed very much, I planned to apply for a minor in entrepreneurship. But, it was just a plan anyway. I chose my way back home rather than more exposure to the real life.
Starting my third year, I decided to learn French. I hoped I could finish three levels of French lessons in the module. I planned to take one in my fifth semester, and the rests in my seventh and eighth semester respectively. I planned to used my last S/U option for the last level. But, due to my paranoia about my GPA, I used up the S/U option. Automatically, I couldn't take the next level. Ok, I can, if I really want to take risk. I just don't want to risk my GPA.
Before my IA was started, I thought it's good for me to taste other country. I thought about GSS. But again, I didn't apply for it. I chose to come back home and be my daddy's little girl.
And now, I feel like trying to teach tuition. It's not all about money. Yeah, money is important, but I want to feel the taste of doing part time job in my university life. But, I 'm really scared I cannot teach well. I'm scared of ruining somebody's child. And again, I must say, I am a chicken. Coward. Whatever.
Will I, once again, lose another chance to improve?
I don't know. But, one thing I am sure that I will not let anybody or anything ruin my chance to be an excellent civil engineer. If I can't eat the side dish, I will not let anyone take my main dish. I will eat up all of the main dish. No sharing. I am greedy. Yes I am.
I will put my best for my future in civil engineering.
I love civil engineering.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
U're the best I've ever had
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/10/2010 09:54:00 AM
This week was a happy week. I was very busy for a whole week. Everyone seemed to try to assign me work and kept me busy. And suddenly I remembered a short conversation not long time ago.
That time, one senior engineer has just come back from somewhere. She saw me.
Senior Engineer: Hi, you are????
Me: Febrina. I'm intern.
Senior Engineer: Oooh, I thought you are the assistant of *******!!!
Me: *smiling, don't know what to say*
Supervisor: No, she is the assistant of everyone.
Me: Yes *nodding*
At that time, I really didn't think that I was the assistant of everyone, like my supervisor had said. I was just nothing in the office. I spent my time looking at my computer screen *it means facebook-ing* and no one even bothered to see what I was doing.
I really felt useless. I was paid to sit down and waste the electricity, water, internet, and even oxygen. I felt like getting angry, but who could I blame?
And then, I was shifted to another table, far far away from my supervisor whom I used to sit beside. I was very scared that I would become more and more useless. I was afraid of spending the rest of my internship doing nothing. But, really, everything turned out to be beautiful at the right time. After being shifted, the senior engineer started to give me work. He asked me to model a certain section by myself, and run it. I still remembered my feeling when I finished my first real job, although it's just a very simple model. I was so proud that I could contribute to my company. I was worth to be hired! Haha.
Yeah, the work came and went. Sometimes I still had nothing to do except facebook. But this week I felt happier. I love to be busy, and it's true. I felt grateful for getting more trusts from my colleagues. They have trusted me, that's the reason they started to give me work. Even this week, I shared the work load with them for one project. It's an honour for me!
I am thankful for being given a chance to learn here. It's such a blessing to work in this big company, be surrounded by good people who always explained everything I asked whole-heartedly, and learn so many new things. I realize how things are much more complicated in the practical civil engineering works. So many investigations, observations, explorations, and analysis need to be done before the work starts. It's not just like solving the exam question. It's regarding life and death of people!
So, I should be very thankful for being a civil engineer, the one who takes care of people's life. I must learn hard, pray hars, and later, work hard. :)
This several days, especially now, I am thinking hard about any specialization I will take for my future career. Since the first time I learned Soil Mechanics, I have been falling in love with it. Until now, I still love it. But I didn't think that my grades were good enough to try to master this complicated part of civil engineering. I don't know, I feel like very confused.
During my working time, I enjoyed the work as a geotechnical engineer, really. But, most of the time, I felt so lost about what I was doing. I asked, they explained, I realized that I actually had learned the stuffs at school but had forgotten it for so long. Am I destined to be one of my colleagues in the future?
And then, I realized, God has shown me the way since the very first time.
During the fuss and mess of IA registration, I had considered some choices. First, whether I wanted to do Geotechnical or Structural Engineering. Second, where I wanted to work. For the first consideration, I decided to apply for Structural field for the sake of exposure. I thought maybe I could be in love with steel and concrete, also. And for the second one, it was really difficult. I had some companies in mind, but I didn't know which one to choose. After a long winded consultations with several seniors and friends, I chose AECOM, with structural field in the description.
And guess, the first day I came, I was so surprised, they assigned me in geotechnical division!
Do you think God has shown me my way since then?
God knows the right thing for me. And I believe in Him.
Happy Geotechnic-ing!!!
U're the best I've ever had
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~, yangtlahterlewati at 4/08/2010 08:43:00 AM
U're the best I've ever had
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Plan II
Labels: cintabuatmereka at 4/06/2010 05:49:00 PM
Jogjakarta, here I come!!!
1. Candi Prambanan
Barisan kata hati
Labels: curahancurahan~~, sisipuitis at 4/06/2010 10:55:00 AM
Mata terkatup
Seperti benci
Pintu hati menutup
Sedih tak terucap
Marah tak terluap
Hati terasa pengap
Tak mampu berharap
Senyum tak merekah
Tawa tak membahana
Hanya sunyi beramah-tamah
Menjilat hati yang luka-luka
Beratus hari beriringan
Beratus senja bergandengan
Beribu harap akan angan-angan
Berjuta asa untuk impian
Dua hati untuk satu mimpi
Dua hati satu mimpi beribu masa
Janji itu seperti baru kemarin pagi
Masihkah semua itu nyata?
Manis mulai meremang
Langkah kaki terasa gamang
Takut melayang-layang
Mencari-cari rasa yang hilang
Akhir di sana
Berdiri diam di sudut mata
Menyerang pada saatnya
Jiwa gemetar
Walau raga tak gentar
Takut merasuk hingga ke akar
Bayang-bayang kekalahan menggelepar
Mengusir akhir
Mencari kekal
Tak ingin batu kenangan terukir
Dan debu pasir di atasnya menebal
Hati tersambung
Tak berujung
U're the best I've ever had
Monday, April 05, 2010
Labels: curahancurahan~~ at 4/05/2010 05:21:00 PM
So do I.
I was expecting something very special, extremely spectacular, surprisingly huge, and incredibly jaw-dropping. And you can guess, I have never got what I wanted. Never.
Now I am trying to be happy even for every single drop of tears people put in my eyes. I am trying to be thankful even for every single time I am soaked in the pouring rain. I am trying to stop complaining even this world seems to fight against me. I am trying. Yeah, I am trying.
U're the best I've ever had