Thursday, April 22, 2010

For You

I see the worries in your eyes. I know what you are afraid for. I get what you are really scared about. I feel the insecurity that haunted you. And I am very sorry for everything. But, it's just the past, and you cannot change anything of it. You can't stand there forever and look behind, too. One single thing that you can do is moving on. And believe me, I'll be your company for your hard times: I'll be your shoulder when you are tearing down, I'll be your shelter when the storm hits you, I'll be your moon when the sun has set, and I'll be the one who smiles and congratulates you for every little thing you have achieved. Believe me.

Maybe you feel a big regret clogged in your throat. Maybe you think God is not fair to you. Maybe you think this world is standing against you. But, God is actually tempering you, strengthen your bones, flesh, and blood so you will be able to face the world at the very time. You are going to be as strong as the trees, you are going to fly as high as the birds, you are going to shine as bright as the sun because you are going through the training God has set for you.

Don't worry about the past. I know it gave you some scar, but sure you can do something about it. You still have time and you still have strength to do anything you want to do to fix it. Remember you have fixed my life one time? If you can do it to mine, sure this time you can do it better for your own. And of course, I'll be doing anything to encourage you.

Now, you need to look forward. Don't be afraid of what you are going to see. You must walk, run, jump, or even swim to reach the finish line over there. Maybe you will struggle, but every time you are feeling like giving up, think about your way back: how long you have walked, what barriers you have passed through, and who you will disappoint if you choose to stop. I tell you, always walk until you cannot walk anymore, God will take you in His shoulder.

Put your faith to His hand and you will feel His blessing inside you. Give your eraser to Him while you are writing your life, He will help you erase the obstacles.

Remember the phrases we like the most, "The champion is not the one who is leading at the beginning; The real champion is the one smiling at the end."
Hold this words tightly and we will be smiling at the end, together, forever.
U're the best I've ever had

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