I just went back from having dinner together with my roomie, Jefry, Windi, Andre, Tepen, Delli, and Denny...
We bought three bowls of ice cream at Canteen 2, and shared it together... Haha, maybe you will think that it's very poor that eight people shared three bowls of ice cream... But, that's a friendship and love, I said...^^
And suddenly, a question rose...
Even, Windi asked, "Di mana letak keadilan?""If girl and boy share a bowl of ice cream, you will say that it's very romantic... If two girls share a bowl of ice cream, you will say that it's very cute... But... If two boys share a bowl of ice cream, you will vomit because it's very disgusting... Why?"
So, we thought about this problem... Hmm...
After a hard (or not so hard) thinking, my roomie said, "Because boys usually eat a lot, so it's very weird having the view of two boys sharing meal together..."
Then we change the question...

"A girl and a boy can hold hands, two girls can hold hands, but why two boys will be said as gay if they hold their hands to each other?"And Jefry tried to answer it...
"Karena wanita itu indah, sedangkan pria tidak indah... Jadi, kalau melihat dua orang wanita, keindahannya akan jadi berlipat ganda, sementara kalau melihat dua orang pria, yang sebenernya tidak indah, pegangan tangan lagi... Jadi makin ga indah donk..." (I tried to translate it in English, but I failed to make the right sense appeared... So, I leave it like that...)
And again, my roomie said, "Because girl-girl relationship is closer and more open than boy-boy relationship..."
Windi said, "Just 7 out of 10..."
A crazy conversation, but I love it...
I have my own point of view about this...
Wanna know?
Ya, without realizing it, we have classified everything into some classes... So, we have classified girls and boys also...
In our mind, girls are weak, soft, and they need protection... While our mindset about boys is that they are strong, tough, and they can stand on their own feet...
So, when we see a girl and a boy holding hand, we will say that this boy is very strong and gentle, he protect this

But... The case is very different when you see two boys holding their hands to each other... Yup... Very very very extremely very different... Those images about toughness, strength, and everything your mind has set will automatically disappear and you will shout 'YUCK', although it's just inside your heart...
Boy and boy relationship...
What do you think?
U're the best I've ever had
5 thoughts:
pegangan tangan? jeruk kok minum jeruk lol
hold our hands together??
pacak gilo...
pisang ketemu pisang??
hmm..it cuma doktrin be..dari kecik dibilang kl cowok temu cowok tuh gay..
dak sepenuhnyo bener :D
cowok tuh nature mo cwk..
sedang cewek both..karena cewek care en mudah mengerti lawan interaksinya :D
kl cowok nature nya cuex,cowok yg care biasanya feminim..
kl cowok keliatan feminim pasti lawan interaksinya lebih maskulin..realtif..
then we assume they are gay..
masuk akal jg yu..
@ Imam : jeruk enak kok...
@ round : pisang jg enak...
@ wahyu : gileee, mantep, man...
@ denny : mana komenmu?
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