Thursday, April 24, 2008

My first year will end soon

Well, today is 24th April, not yet 29th to yell loudly that my exam is over, but I feel very relieved today, as if I have succeeded in moving Everest to Indonesia...

I am very happy...
Not because I have succeeded in moving Everest to Indonesia...
But, that's only because...
I finished my life science paper..

Hmm, maybe it sounds very simple... But for me, it's a great thing, since all the courses I took this semester scared me very much... And now, I have passed almost all of the exams... There's still one paper, actually... But it can wait till tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... Lol...

Today's paper is the last paper for my core... That means, today is the last day for me having the same exam with all common engineering students... After this, we have to split to our own program... Ahin and I will go to civil engineering while the rest will stay at electrical and electronic engineering...

I think I will miss this year at my next or next next or next next next year in NTU...
I think I will miss the days of attending lectures or even chatting when we attended lecture together at LKC...
I think I will miss the times when we discussed some problems related to our courses...
I think I will miss every single moments along this academic year...

My first year will end soon...
But, I believe...
Palzzzntu will not end this soon...

We still have time until the Halley's comet appear again in 2062...

U're the best I've ever had

3 thoughts:

Herry -- HgS said...

I think I will miss the days of attending lectures or even chatting when we attended lecture together at LKC...

Hayo ketahuan suka ngobrol waktu di lecture. Wakakakaka.... :p

Unknown said...

wow, jadi critonyo tahun 2062 nak reuni palzz neh??

dpplah pisah2, lecture jg cuma brp jam smggu, setidakny merasakan suasana baru, sama org2 luar hahahha...
kalo ak ketemu wong itu2 la, di kelas yg kecil pulo.. T_T
dk beda jauh sm SD-SMA dl lol

~'FeN'~ said...

@ hgs : yang penting ga bobo di kelas... ngobrol itu maksudnyo diskusi apa yang diomongin lecturer... hihi, ngeles...

@ denny : sedih tapi... ckck...