Monday, September 29, 2008

'I love' doesn't mean 'I am able'

I love writing...
I stated before and I will always say that I love writing...
Lack of posting in this blog didn't mean that my love to writing had decreased or something... I just didn't find the right time, the right topic, or the right mood to write...
So, I think, till the last breath of mine, I'll still love writing...

Some people have ever asked me a similar question...
"Why don't you write for magazine?"
"Why don't you be a freelance writer?"
"Why don't you try to publish a story?"
"Why don't you do this?"
"Why don't you do that?"

Ya, a similar question...
The point is that why I am happy with my current condition and don't want to move ahead... I just write for my own blog and for my own journal (this is very very extremely private ^^)... It looks like I don't want to improve myself...


The reason is I don't think I'm capable enough to write for public-consuming... I have no education background in writing, except some trainings in the past, when I was in elementary school... I think I have nothing to be proud about my writing style... I still have no characteristic in pouring my thought into words... I have not enough dictions... In short, I have not enough 'thing' to be a writer... Muahahaha...

'I love' doesn't mean 'I am able to'...
'I can' also doesn't mean 'I am able to'...

To be honest, back to the past, two or three years ago, I have got such a confidence... I thought I was talented in writing... Many people praised my writings and it bursted up my confidence, actually... 

But, as time flew, I found that I was nothing compared to other... Three-years-ago-Febrina was just a girl that hadn't seen the world... Three years ago, I was just a small bird, inside a golden cage... Now, I flew away from my palace, and I have seen part of the world... I understood that there were soooooooo many people above me...

I still have soooooooo many things to catch up...

Yeah, I still have such a dream, a dream to be a good writer...
I must try hard...

Ganbatte ne!!!!^^

Thank you, my blog...
You help me learn...

U're the best I've ever had

6 thoughts:

GODevil said...

I know you love writing :)
Try to learn something new in higher level if you already got enough satisfaction in yourself in current situation. Don't get stuck, 2008 already, people are always moving ahead =D
Once you fail, you lose nothing, but you earn some experiences.
If you have a dream to be a good writer, then don't hesitate to move ahead.
You are still young, no one will bother if you fail, but if one day you succeed, you are already capable of it and LOVE writing more than before..
haha, just my opinion ^^

Dodo said...


yap2 mang melihat dunia luar lo bakal tau bahwa dunia gag selebar daun kelor.. wkwkwk

Klo lo mang suka dan mang mau ke arah jadi writer ya berjuang aja hahaha banyak2 nulis.. cari2 pengalaman hehehehe

moga2 bsa wakakaka..... yg ptg jangan nyerah saja.. hidup mase panjang boww wakakaka...

wish u all d best wkwkwkw ^(^0^)^

DELLI said...

'many ppl above u' also doesnt mean 'ure not capable enough'
^ ^

~'FeN'~ said...

I'm not capable enough NOW...
But I know, someday, I'll catch everything up...
really appreciate ur care...

~'FeN'~ said...

belajar dulu sampe merasa cukup capable, gek pasti dicobo...

Herry -- HgS said...

In this case, I think we are quite similar Fen. I'm always thinking that I'm good enough in writing coz I love it so much... Until one day, my prof keep despising and complaining about my very bad writing.

Yeah I realize actually I'm not that good.

However, I still love writing. And I believe I can be much better and much capable by training harder.

Ganbatte Fen...
