Sunday, March 02, 2008

Good leader... Boy or girl?

The question is, which one, between boy and girl, is better to be a leader? Is it a boy? Or is it better to be a girl?

Most of people, I think, will say that a good leader will be a boy, since mostly the presidents, the prime ministers, the captains of class are men... But, how about the women presidents, who are the minority? Are they not good enough?

Once, I heard from radio, that a woman is better in leading a group than a man... Maybe you are wondering now, what the hell am I talking now? How can a woman, who is weaker, smaller, and less brave, can lead a group more effectively than a man??? How can???

I write this post because Windi's words this evening made me remember about this thing... While we are playing RISK, he said, "Girls are born to care, so this game is not suitable for girls..."

This sentence made me remember about this theory...

It was said that the reason why a woman could be a better leader was the method of raising a boy an d a girl...

A boy is raised with some cruel toys, like gun, tank, sword, and any criminal apparatus... So, automatically, parents built an assumption in the boy's mind that his job is to create war, to fight, and to kill... Is it good for a leader to make war, fight, and kill anybody?

On the other hand, toys in a girl's hand is completely different. She is given dolls, doll houses, and any cute toys... So, she will realize that she is born to love, to share happiness, and to take care of everyone... So, a group with a woman leader will stay in a lovely and peaceful condition... No war, no fight...

And, the other question is, do you agree?

Honestly speaking, I do not that agree with this theory... Sometimes, a firmly act and maybe rather cruel decision must be made in order to save the group... There is no reason a country, state, or even a group will stand tall just with caring... And, vice versa, there won't be a group with cruel leader...

So, for all girls and guys...
Remember that, the femininity and the masculinity inside us must be balanced... We have to know where and when we are better to show our girls' or boys' side...

Be a good leader, Guys...
With love and fighting spirit...


U're the best I've ever had

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