Wednesday, March 26, 2008

****** la you...

I have written in my previous previous previous post, "Newton 3rd law is a bullshit", that I was always being an underdog... No one kept an eye for me and no one saw me as a human whose heart could be hurt...

Really, I feel it again, now...

Someone told me that till now, some parties still think that the case that I got the scholarship was, has been, and is unbelievable... How can a stupid, brainless, dumb, slow, and foolish girl like me got the thing that even B*** or P**** or W**** could not reach it...

Although one semester has passed, they still think like that and they wonder to each other, makes my ear burning...

Maybe they also think that the result I got in my first semester because of some cheat... They think I am playing playstation meh? So that I can buy a gameshark and do the cheat here and there...


This world is really unfair...

U're the best I've ever had

2 thoughts:

Herry -- HgS said...

Hahaha biarin aja Fen. Mungkin sirik aja kali sama kamu. :p

Hmm, kalo menurutku pribadi sih dapet scholarship atau nda itu hanyalah titik awal. Fakta apakah seseorang bisa beprestasi bagus disini... itu yang lebih penting.

Dan kamu uda bisa membuktikan kemampuan kamu dgn berprestasi baik di semester pertama. Berarti km memang deserve utk scholarship itu kan. :-)

Jadi kenapa harus bother too much dgn kata org? Just focus in what you do and always try your best loh. Tetep semangat ya...

~'FeN'~ said...

Jadi terharu...
